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- Irrigation

Irrigation refers to the application of an even amount of water over the playing surface to assist in promoting and maintaining healthy turf cover. In general, underground pipes are laid and connected to either mains supply or a suitable pumping unit. Sprinklers are generally pop up, in ground units with automatic controllers to set the start and finish times of the watering cycle. A Sportsgrass analysis will determine the best irrigation system for the proposed surface –
in some areas low volume, low pressure drip line systems may be used and some sites may be suitable for using recycled water.

Sportsgrass have the machinery and equipment, and experienced turf irrigation specialists able to design and install efficient watering systems either during the construction phase of the project – or even installed after turf establishment in many cases.

Why is it required?
• To maintain adequate moisture over dry summer periods.
• To keep turf plants alive during times of heat/drought stress.
• To assist in relieving ground hardness.
• To maintain root strength and prevent erosion and scuffing of the playing surface.
• To keep the playing surface in optimum condition the year round.

• Application rates should match available water supply.
• Application rates should match surface area and information from “Space” program.
• Application rates should match soil infiltration rates.
• Application rates should match the requirements of the playing surface. (Ie/ Golf course V Football oval)
• Technical design parameters. Ie/ Meet figures for Co-Efficient of Uniformity (Cu) and Distribution Uniformity (Du).