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- Material Injection

Material Injection is the act of injecting products or materials into the soil such that they are applied directly to the root zone, without wastage.

In terms of maintenance and renovation such products and materials may be fertiliser, pesticides, liquid lime, gypsum or organic matter to list a few.

Material injection causes less disruption to the playing surface.

No spray drift or wastage.
Efficiency - Less material/chemical required.
Applied directly and only where needed.
• Penetrates the organic layer which often becomes compacted during the season and blocks
  moisture and nutrients.

Prevents plant roots staying close to the surface and making it unstable.
No product residue - Safe for operator
                               - Safe for community
                               - Environmentally considerate

Due to the safe and non-disturbing nature of this process it may be performed at any time.

To cover an average sized oval takes approximately 6-8 hours.

Again, due to the safe and non-disturbing nature of this process there are few factors affecting performance.

SGI (Subsurface Granular Injection)